Photo Album
- 8th Grade Graduation
- 8th Grade Prom
- 8th Grade Science Labs
- Awards Day
- Basketball
- Black History Program
- Black History Projects
- Blackout For Bullying Week
- Breast Cancer Month
- Christmas Program
- Counselor Appreciation Week
- December PTO Meeting
- Donuts with Dad
- Dr. Seuss Week
- Drug Awareness Assembly
- El Salvador Independence Day
- ESL PreK-4th
- Fall Fest
- Field Day!
- Hispanic Heritage Month
- In and Out Burger Day
- Kindergarten Graduation
- Muffins with Moms
- Nova Attends Health Fair @ The Larry Johnson Recreational Center
- Red Ribbon Week
- Sock Hop
- Spring Fling
- STAAR Pep Rally
- Students Working
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Thanksgiving
- Valentine's Day
- Veterans Day Program
- Winter Celebrations
- Xmas Green and Stuff